
研几2024-09-26 21:51495 阅读35 赞


Mutual understanding is crital to the sucsess of marriage. As a saying goes:"Marriage is the grave for love.'To a certain extent, it has some point in it, because love in most case is romantic and the lover only see the bright side of his or her counterpart,but the marriag。



31、有没有爱情的婚姻,就会有没有婚姻的爱情。 Marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. 32、婚姻的成功取决于两个人,而一个人就可以使它失败。 The success of marriage depends on o people, and one person can make it fail. 33、婚姻的目的就是告诫你不要太相信你的判断力。 The。



Sir,I cannot rest till I have answered your letter, even though by addressing you a second time I should appear a little intrusive; but I must thank you for the kind and wise advice you have condescended to give me. I had not ventured to hope for such a reply; so conside。



16、婚姻实质上是伦理关系。婚姻是具有法定意义的伦理性的爱。 Marriage is essentially an ethical relationship. Marriage is an ethical love with legal meaning. 17、恋爱是播下的种,婚姻是长成的苗,只有细心的呵护,精心的培育,才能开出芬芳的花。 Love is a kind of sow, the marriage is to grow into 。


it, of course, the purpose of marriage is another new starting point.我觉得恋爱的最终目的是结婚,如果你恋爱不是为了结婚,那不是代表你认为你的爱情最终没结果嘛,我想大部分的人都是有结婚的打算的吧,所以我觉得恋爱是过程,而婚姻你恋爱的目的吧,当然婚姻也是另一个新的起点。仅供参考!


She has a great perspective on marriage 关于婚姻 生活,她的观点确实非常有意义。On matrimony he had never once said a word 关于婚姻 的事,他从来就没有说过一个字。This show is supposed to be about a marriage 这部戏应该是 关于婚姻 的 What about marriage and children 。


5. Marriage, if not a paradise, is a hell.6. Marriage is essentially an ethical relationship. Marriage is an ethical love with legal significance.7. Filled with joy in the heavenly realm, bathed in the bright moonlight, one can only sigh: only envious of the mandarin ducks, 。


I don't care.2.What's the most important when looking for a mate?Arrearance Family background Education background Ability 3.Who would you choose to be your mate?The one you love The one who loves you 4.What do you think the main purpose of the love is Help to study 。



你是否认同异国婚姻? 给出你的观点,准备英语辩论赛用,最好是英语回答。

异国婚姻常常沦为感伤的爱情故事 A mixed marriage often turns out to be a sentimental love story 父母可能试图阻止甚至加以阻挠 parents may be opposed to the match or even try to prevent the marriage 感情不和 on bad terms.文化背景差异容易经常引起摩擦或冲突We acknowledge huge differences。


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